Photo gallery

Hi. It is me again. Frodo. You have entered the photo gallery. Here you can find pictures and information of mom's ratties. If you would like to receive the full picture, send an email to Mom. She will send it to you as soon as possible as an attachment in the mail. Do not forget to mention the name of the rattie and the desired format of the picture (GIF, JPG, BMP ...)!

Photo index:









Jai Jai




















Belly Button






Zorra 2








5 Baby brothers

Here we are!!! Nibbel, Bibbel, Dribbel, Ducky and Daffy. Five gorgeous brothers. We can be very naughty like healthy baby ratties can be. For us there was no place to go ,except to the Rainbow Bridge. Mom saved us just in time. Now we are having a good time.


I am what they call an awesome rattie guy. I don't need a long tail to be happy!! Like my sister Jane my tail got chopped off. Mom knew that nobody wants to have an almost tailless rattie so she took us home. I can climb and do what all other ratties do. Yes.......I am happy!


A boy got me from a pet shop. He thought he could play rough with me like throwing me into the air and do more such things. I had to live on hard rabbit food only. I was very little and did not grow at all. Look at me now! I am GORGEOUS!!!!! I love to be a part of the big clan


Just look at me! How could anyone dump me!!!!! Like so many dumped ratties I found a place in the clan. I get plenty of time to inspect the house, plenty of love and rattie visits, which I love best.


I was a sad , sick little baby guy until mom came along to get me and my brother Co from the pet shop. We both got medicines which I hated but we are fine now. I am sure it won't take long before I become the most gorgeous rattie guy!!!!


My brother Gucky thinks that he is gorgeous! Most be the bad sight of him that he does not recognize that I am the most awesome of the two.

Bush Tucker Lathan

I was found in a box in the woods, together with lots of other ratties. Thanks to rattie loving people we all found a home. The * Husky Brothers * which live with me in the same cage are not too happy with me. I am a very busy guy and both brothers complain that they don't get enough beauty sleep

Bush Tucker Arisal

I am a * Wood box * rattie as well..I am happy that I can stay together with my brother Arinal. I love to be with humans. We three are members of the rattie clan and life could be worse:):)

Bush Tucker Arinal

How could anybody dump me in the woods!!! My masker is perfect and I consider myself a perfect rattie guy. Life would be perfect as well if only Lathan would slow down a little bit. He is a very busy cage mate!!!!!


I am one of a kind! Mom found me left behind by a girl who did not want me any longer. I have two things I love best! FOOD and SLEEPING on the hammock! Most of the time one of the two Wood Tucker boys joins me. Life is great! Yes...... I am very handsome!


No.....I am not a Mouse! Here on this picture I am seven weeks old. My weigh is 27 grams.I must admit I do look little but I was starving! My rattie mom did not have enough food when she got us. Me, my brother and my little sister were meant to serve as a snake dinner. Our two legged mom did not let it happen. Now we are a member of the rattie clan


I am the brother of Nutar. Mom calls us " Skeleton Brothers ". I do a lot of growing and my fur gets full and shiny. I weight 30 grams . Speedy takes care of us. He is a HUGE brother to us.


I got dumped like so many other ratties . Zorra 2 was with me in the box. We were scared because we had no clue what was going to happen to us. No holes in the box . Only darkness with a little bit air to breath. But I will forget that time. My life changed for the good. I love to be a part of mom's rattie clan


I should be called *Lucky Rat*. Sitting in a little box very scared I had to wait in a pet shop till a guy came to pick me up. When the guy finally came he picked me up by my tail to see if I was big enough to serve as a ssssss.......meal!!!! When mom saw what the guy did she got very angry and took me from the big guy's hand. I was HER RAT, she explained. Lucky me!


I wonder how come that people dumb us ratties as easy as they dumb their garbage. I do not want to think what would have happened to me and Jones if our present mom would not have given us a loving home... What can I say...I am happy!


I did not look as gorgeous as I do now when mom found us. Me and Smith looked terrible. Skinny with a skin eaten up by lice. I have a Head Tilt and I am blind but nobody has to feel petty for me . I can do everything a * normal * rattie can do. Mom takes care that I do not have to climb to avoid that I may could get hurt. Just ask Smith who is the BIG Boss...I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jai Jai

My story is not much different than from most other ratties in the clan. Badly neglected....not wanted...I am a very sweet loving guy. Mom loves my little curls on my back. Anne, Aagje and me found a place where we can stay for the rest of our lifes.Yes.....a little bright Star is shining for me as well. More pictures in the photo album


When I got father twice , my work was done and I had to leave to make room for an other rattie guy. I have become a member of the clan and I am not unhappy. But at night I still dream about my children and lovely wife I had to leave behind. My companions are The Skeleton Brothers and Paukie.


My story is hard to believe! Me and Scooter came in place of a rattie which went to The Rainbow Bridge. Because we did not have the same character like the other rattie our owner neglected us completely. We got some Rabbit Food and water. No love..nothing. The only companions we had were two cats who tried hard to hurt us. Mom gave us a place in the clan. It is difficult to prescribe what I felt when I was allowed to walk free on the ground with no cats around. I was scared and happy at the same time. Now the Nightmare is over and I can enjoy a real rattie life.


Bill & Scooter!!! We must be special ratties because mom gave us the names of her favorite cartoon hero's:) I have to go through life with only one eye. Like Bill said. Two cats wanted to hurt us badly and finally one got me. Result: one eye missing big wound and lots of little ones. I do not want to think about the first 13 month of my life. Now I feel like I am in Heaven. Mom gives us all her love and care . I think she wants to make up for the misery Bill and I had to go through.





Mom didn't know a name for me so she called me "B.B". Oh boy! Now she knows what B.B. means: BIG BRATTIE!!!!! I really honor my name. Peep peep peep.
Like so many ratties from mom's clan, I came from the pet shop and couldn't be sold because I was too big already.

Belly Button

I was dumped because I was ill. Lucky me! I found a place in the big clan. Later mom found out that I was pregnant as well. My whole pregnancy is so sad that I don't want to talk about it. I have one baby boy alive which has grown up into a gorgeous guy well known as "Short Tail Rambo". I am a part of Sunny's Harem.


We were in the same box as Valentina. Mom calls us Vallies because we look the same. Nobody can tell us apart. We have a special part in moms heart because we have been dropped at Valentine's day. The day of love!!!!!


I am a daughter of mom Daisy and dad Napoleon. We were what two legged say * A little mistake * Never mind the mistake..We are a bunch of healthy happy (B)ratties.



I am a beautiful girl. I have a Head Tilt which does not bother me at all. I get all the love and care my little heart desires.


I could join the rattie clan because I was together with Iridal. Mom did not want us to be separated. Never mind my head tilt. I do whatever I want to do.


I believe I am the most lucky rattie girl in the whole world! I was found in a big food store, walking around all by myself. Some girls tried to catch me. The big boss phoned the City Vermin Terminator to get ride off me!!!!!!!!! Mom was just in time to hide me in her bag. Sorry mom for the bites!!!!!I was very scared at the moment.I love you too:):)


Zorra!!!! Mom must like Zorro! I must admit that I am wearing a little mask. Could I not get a more exotic name which is more suitable to my exciting looks??? Especially now that all lice have left.


One look ate me and everybody knows what beautiful means. My sister Zorra and me had not much chance to get old. I weighted a little bit more than one ounce and my whole body got eaten up by LICE!!!!! Not to mention the horrible noises we made. But now!!! Wow! I am gorgeous, pretty and very loving. Above all.... very modest


Here I am! 25 grams heavy! I am the sister of Orik and Nutar. When mom took a look in the container at the pet shop she thought the girl made a mistake and put mice with the ratties! How could she! One look at my cute little face must have said enough! I do a lot of growing and one day I will be as big as any other rattie girl. Cute I am already! No more starvation and other nasty things. I share the cage with Tia which is like a sweet sister to me. Yes....I am a lucky rattie girl.


I am one of the few ratties mom actually bought!!!!! She wanted a kind rattie girl for the little Skeleton Rumara. She found the perfect girl in me! I am sweet, good looking and above all....adorable!

Zorra 2

ZORRA 2!!!! Just imagine!!!! My mom must be a real Zorro fan. She could not find a better name than Zorra 2!! Yes...I do look like Zorra..but I am much more sweet, adorable and more beautiful than Zorra. I was in the box with Bobo. Lucky I did not get pregnant. My body is too awesome to get fat.


I must admit! I was not very nice to the two little baby rattie girls which came to live with me and my daughter Aagje. But ..I am 18 month old and want to have fun en enjoy life without having busy little fur balls around me which want to play day and night. I have to think about my beauty sleep as well. I love my daughter dearly because I can cuddle on her and we clean each other. We share everything. We have become members of the clan as well. To tell the truth.....I feel fine! Me and Aagje have our own photo album


If I remember well I was living in a store for some time. I was used to hide at any sound and move I heard. It is not easy for me to forget that time. But I really do my best. First I behaved like a scared chicken till I realized that it is much more fun riding on moms shoulder and get lots of kisses. Well...sometimes I still forget myself and start the chicken dance again. My real rattie mom Anne and me get lots of free range and it is fun to explore the house. So many rattie smells ....Yummy! All ratties are bringing a visit to the outside of our cage daily which brings Anne in a defend mode. I enjoy lying in the hammock and do nothing. No, the clan is not a bad place for a rattie like me.



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Copyright © 1999 Lisa Jenny
Illustrations & photos © 1999 Lisa Jenny
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